The CBD world is like the Wild West. In 2016 the FDA evaluated
label claims and found 91% of products tested did not meet label
claims. The next year in 2017, a study in JAMA showed 74% of products did not meet label claims. And yet CBD products are sold in hardware stores, beauty salons, gas stations, and just about any retail outlet you can imagine in products ranging from mascara to candles. Why is CBD such a boom product? The reason is that there is so much data about cannabinoids and how they affect our health.
Did you know our bodies make cannabinoids? But phytocannabinoids come from plants and interact with our endocannabinoid system.
Hemp contains higher levels of the cannabinoid CBD since it has lower levels of THC. The other plant is called marijuana and contains higher levels of THC and lower levels of CBD. Both plants have therapeutic potential; CBD has more therapeutic value without the risk that THC contains. CBD is the major player, but CBDV, THCA, CBDA, CBC, CBG, THCV are also present. CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids and terpenes. Think of CBD as one note in a symphony. The other cofactors and cannabinoids represent the rest of the music. The synergistic effect of using the full spectrum of cannabinoids cannot be overstated. I have a great PDF download to show the amazing benefits of this orchestra. All you have to do is ask.
There is a big difference between hemp oil from the seeds, leaves, and stems and hemp oil that comes from the flower. The traditional hemp seed oil has an omega 6:3 ratio of around 3:1 and contains anywhere from 2-4% GLA. It’s a nice alternative oil that has a nutty flavor and can be used in salads, etc. But if you are looking for a therapeutic effect, most of the research has been done on the cannabinoids located in the flower where the largest concentration of CBD is located.
If you are currently using a CBD product, do you know who grew it? Are they licensed by the DEA? Is their facility Approved by the FDA? How pure is the hemp? If you send the IPC code to their website, can you see a third-party certification that shows no glyphosate, herbicides, pesticides, or heavy metals? Does every batch get checked for metals, bacteria, and biological activity, etc.? Do you have a Certificate of Analysis that shows exactly what you are paying for. It is sometimes not something on the label causing trouble but “what is NOT on the label” that can cause a product you might have tried in the past not to be effective. And lastly, does your product company provide Continuing Education Credits to use in License Renewals, therefore, keeping your health care provider up to date on changes, studies, and therapeutic dosing?
This is a huge topic, and the studies are compelling, and they don’t even use some of the gut-healing anti-inflammatory strategies I teach you to employ daily. No matter how perfect your diet, if digestion is poor, you can not utilize any of it. By adding whole hemp extract to the therapies you are already employing, you will add another level of relief and tap into Your Body’s Healing Wisdom!