Our bodies are made to heal!
If you don't have energy, you cannot heal!
You will learn simple ways to enhance life
and find energy by
Honoring your body's innate intelligence and

Your Body's Healing Wisdom

When you are about to crash...
Remember to put your oxygen mask on first.
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit take care of the gift you were given, so you can give to others.

The body is like a band; if one player is out of tune or misses a note, it can make every band member play off-beat or out of tune.

The body is not a single guitar but many different instruments that all work together to create a symphony!

You will learn how to remove the stressors and strengthen the defenses while allowing your body to prioritize its needs.

You will learn how to open your body's natural detox pathways, decrease stress, and create relief from distressing symptoms.

It is not uncommon when the body is allowed to "clean house" in whatever way it chooses. Most see the wonderful side effect like; energy, weight loss, body recomposition, and bliss.
Let's tune-up your body to create harmony in your life.
relaxation, meditation, health-7282116.jpg

Find Energy, Peace, and a Great nights sleep!

Put your oxygen mask on, and breathe in all the pleasures life has to offer. Then and only then can you help those around you. 

Hi Beautiful!! Let's Chat!

I help exhausted, stressed-out women, and men, get a restful night’s sleep so they can assist their spouses, toddlers, teenagers, or aging parents in navigating new stages of life and learning.
Do you have patience for those that need you the most?  Stop lying in bed watching the clock and finally going to sleep just before the alarm goes off or going to bed dog-tired only to wake up about 2 to 4 in the morning, exasperated to have to do it all over again. Let’s prevent that 3 pm slump with mind-blowing cravings, or the 5th cup of coffee, to sabotage your evening and your deep sleep.
Fall in love with life again.  Nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how to implement life-saving strategies, not only to nourish your body but add peace of mind and pleasure.  
 Put your mask on, and breathe in all the pleasures life has to offer. Then and only then can you help those around you. 
Get ready to LOVE getting up early in the morning, rested, and prepared for a new day.


"You no longer have to despair... Your body knows how to heal and repair."
Dr Melissa Sell


Interested in working with me or have a question? I’d love to hear from you!


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